Thursday, May 1, 2008

Configuration Synchronization between TR-069 devices and ACS

Most of the times, configuration for TR-069 based devices is done at the provider end (ACS end). ACS pushes the configuration when device connects to it. TR-069 also provides facility for subscribers to change the configuration locally, but providers have control over which functions of device can be changed by subscriber. 'SetParameterAttributes' RPC method defined by TR-069 specification carries the 'Access control' attributes of parameters.

When allowed to change the confguration by subscribers, if no caution is taken, the configuration view can be vastly different between device and ACS over time. That might result to wrong conclusions by people administring the device. Fortunately, TR-069 provides a way for ACS admin to notifiy the changes to ACS when changes done by local subscribers. Like in 'Access Control' , notification attributes are also sent using SetParameterAttributes RPC method. If Synchronization of configuration is required, it is necessary that ACS sets notification attributes on parameters which are allowed to be changed by local subscriber.

It appears that notification of configuration change works smoothly between devices and ACS on modifications of existing parameters. But, it runs into rough weather when local subscriber adds a record in table objects or deletes a record from table object. Based on my not-so-much experience on different devices and ACS systems, it seems that this was not taken care well and TR-069 also not helping in this regard.

Let us examine different approaches that are possible.
  • Approach 1: Definition of one parameter 'Number Of Entries' for every table object. ACS can set the notification attribute on this parameter. Whenever local subscriber adds/deletes an instance from the table object, this parameter gets incremented/decremented. Since notification is set on this, ACS gets informed. It has performance disadvantage. When 'Number of Entries' parameter is changed, ACS gets notified with new value of this parameter. Now it is responsibility of ACS to find the difference between its configuration and configuration in the device. That might require walking through the table in device and making modifications to its database. Another disadvantage is that, this approach does not work if there is any existing data profile that has table objects without this special parameter 'Number of Entries'.
  • Approach 2: Setting the notification attributes on 0th instance: It is observed that many devices don't use 0th instance for records in table objects. This instance can be used to set the notification. If notification is set on 0th instance, it can be treated to indicate Add/Deletion of records to/from the table. Whenever new record is added/deleted by subscriber, device needs to check the notifications on 0th instance. If it is set, it can send instance number of newly created record or instance number of deleted record as parameter and value 1 for 'Add' and 2 for 'Delete' as part of 'ParamterList' of Inform method. By this, ACS knows instance number of newly added record or deleted record. In case of newly added record, it can issue 'Get' operation on specific instance number to read values of parameters. In case of deleted record, it can remove the record from its database.
Approach1 does not require any changes to the TR-069 specification, but has disadvantage of performance issues if the number of instances in a given table are high. Approach 2 is clean, but requires addition to TR-069 specification or clarifications in TR-069 specification.

If anybody choose to use TR-069 based device management for Enterprise devices, I strongly suggest to go with Approach 2.

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